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Wardrobing - What Is It and How Does It Affect Your Ability To Try On and Return Apparel?

Posted by Wynter Nash - Ghost Rider Leather on Apr 7th 2021

Wardrobing - What Is It and How Does It Affect Your Ability To Try On and Return Apparel?
Wardrobing - What Is It and How Does It Affect Your Ability To Try On and Return Apparel?You may or may not have heard of the term "wardrobing". Let me explain and perhaps this will give you some insight as to why we and other retailers have had to implement a No Refunds Policy. As usual with everything in life, it takes the dishonest people to ruin a good thing for everyone else.Wardrobing is the sadly rising trend of buying apparel online, wearing it long enough to take pictures for social med
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Shippageddon 2020 - 2021 - Pandemic Shipping Delays

Posted by Wynter Nash - Ghost Rider Leather on Dec 9th 2020

Shippageddon 2020 - 2021 - Pandemic Shipping DelaysSHIPPAGEDDON 2020 - 2021, what exactly does this mean for you and your online orders for the last month or two before Christmas?When you combine a worldwide pandemic (COVID-19) with Christmas shopping and a shortage of employees, you get SHIPPAGEDDON!Folks, this has been a difficult year for all of us and that includes online stores and shipping companies like the US Postal Service, Fedex, and UPS. In a year where most of us are stuck at hom
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Face Masks - Freedom or Tyranny?

Posted by Ghost Rider Leather - Wynter Nash on Sep 4th 2020

Face Masks - Freedom or Tyranny?
Face Masks - Freedom or Tyranny?At Ghost Rider Leather, we have always been about freedom. For example, even though we sell motorcycle helmets, we have always agreed that grown adult people should have the freedom to wear or not wear a helmet if they so choose. As long as you are aware of the consequences of not wearing one and you are an adult, you make your own decisions or at least you SHOULD be able to make your own decisions.We have been selling biker face masks since we opened our first on
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Shopify Censorship - Social Justice Warriors - Pansies - Suck

Posted by Ghost Rider Leather - Wynter Nash on Sep 3rd 2020

I like to call the so-called "Social Justice Warriors", Social Justice Pansies, because truly, that's what they are.Normally, I live and let live, except if you come after me, my family, my pets, or my business, then I will stand up and fight. Social Justice Pansies have infiltrated all parts of life, families, businesses, etc. Social Justice Pansies make decisions on what THEY consider to be offensive, then proceed to cancel, bully, and threaten others who do not believe the same way they do. S
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